Intuitive Spiritual Mentorship & Energy Healing Therapies


During the past 16 + years, through thousands of sessions, Victoria has supported hundreds of her clients in 1:1 sessions, group sessions, classes and events. Victoria works with her clients through Intuitive Spiritual Mentorship & Energy Healing Therapies creating a deeply grounded and safe open-hearted space in order to meet each client ‘where they are’ in their current life experiences. Victoria utilizes her intuitiveness through Clairaudience (hearing), Clairvoyance (seeing), Clairsentience (feeling) and Claircognizance (knowing), breath awareness, guided meditation and visualization, aromatherapy and crystal therapy.  Victoria has a unique ability to meet each of her clients exactly 'where they are' in their current life challenges, gently encouraging them to soften back to themselves, connect with their own unique sacred medicine, their humanness. This allows for important life pieces to rise to the surface to be explored and honored in order to release emotional, mental, physical and spiritual stressors, energetic congestion, energetic habits, patterns and beliefs, opening the door to self discovery, profound self knowledge and personal transformation. Victoria is also known for some card pulls and charm throws after sessions to further support this profound work as well as ‘healing homework’ to self support in daily life. This is powerful work that unfolds over time, not a quick fix.

During a typical session, Victoria will start by chatting with her clients about themselves, their current life experiences, history and challenges. As the sacred space continues to open, clients are guided towards what is most present in order to explore where these life pieces live in their systems. As each session unfolds there will be a space where clients will transition to the message table when in-person or comfortable space when working virtually. At this point in the session clients will relax, fully clothed, to receive and experience Victoria’s Intuitive Energy Healing Therapies which allow all that has been discovered to fully integrate. As Victoria’s clients can confirm, a one off session is awesome, but this healing work is truly meant to be consistent whether weekly, bi-monthy or monthly, it’s important to find ones rhythm to fully honor their own support.


  • Calms the mind, subtle nervous system and nervous system allowing for a deep state of relaxation, rest and repair and release of stress.

  • This deep state of relaxation stimulates the body's natural self-correcting healing mechanism in order to support and repair at a cellular level.

  • Clears blocked, stagnant, congested energetic pathways and meridians, energizing the system, awakening innate insights and self awareness.

  • Stimulates the body's natural immune response, acting as a preventative measure to physical illness. 

  • Promotes healthy, mindful, grounded processing, as well as the release and ease of emotional trauma, which is supported within the safe therapeutic relationship between myself and my clients. 

  • With continued work, clients experience increased self-awareness and personal growth leading to important insights about the origin of traumas, dis-ease, habits and beliefs...  this encourages important, healthful and necessary life changes.

  • Expedites healing and recovery from illness, injury, surgery, invasive procedures and trauma. 

  • Can decrease symptoms and side effects of chemotherapy treatments and other aggressive medical treatments, helping to support and detoxify vital organs such as kidneys and liver.

  • Increases overall feelings of well-being, balance and health throughout the whole system, accelerating the body•mind•spirit connection.


  • These are fully clothed sessions, comfortable clothing is recommended.

  • During each session we will discuss your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, needs and goals and how I can best support movement towards those goals during each session.

  • After discussing your needs, we will then transition to the massage table when in-person or comfortable place when virtual.

  • I will place my hands on and over your major and minor energy centers, running energy and working with your physical and energetic bodies. 

  • You may experience the energy in a number of ways, such as tingling sensations, heat, coolness, gentle spasmodic physical and emotional stress releases and a deep state of relaxation.

  • In addition to the hands on energy healing... guided imagery, visualization, meditation, gentle breath awareness, crystal therapy and aromatherapy may be used depending upon your specific needs.

  • Every session is different, and specifically designed to meet your particular needs and individual healing process.


  • All Sessions are 90 minutes/ *pricing details provided during 30 Minute Intro Call *Virtual & Limited In-Person Available

  • Treatment Packages *pricing details provided during 30 Minute Intro Call

  • Confidential Client and Policy Forms will be emailed upon confirmation of session.


  • Space Clearing & Blessing *pricing details available upon request

  • Group Ceremonies & Events such as New/ Full Moon, Mother/ Baby Blessings, *pricing details available upon request
